Category Archives: E-Commerce

US Ecommerce Growth Jumps to More than 30%, Accelerating Online Shopping Shift by Nearly 2 Years

Top 10 etailers will grow market share by 5% this year, with Best Buy and Target both expected to surge more than 100%. The pandemic has accelerated ecommerce growth in the US this year, with online sales reaching a level not previously expected until 2022. In our Q3 US retail forecast, the top 10 retailers […]

How technology is leading millennials away from brick and mortar stores

As retailers in Asean continue to evolve their operations to support a more joined-up commerce strategy and capture millennial sales, they must provide a modern, engaging customer experience for the uncompromising modern shopper. Lionel BONAVENTURE / AFP THE retail industry in the Asean (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) region has undergone massive disruption over the […]

How to capture what the customer wants

Companies often fail across digital channels because they are insufficiently aware of the real needs and preferences of their customers across omnichannel journeys. Customers now have an unprecedented number of ways to engage with companies, from traditional channels to an ever-growing array of digital modes. Many organizations have responded by investing in digital channels, frequently […]